What can we do if stress embitters our life?
Recognizing the problem
It is very important not to take the signs of stress liglhtly. If you feel exposed to stress, don’t accept it, act against it!
Healthy way of life
Pay attention to your health in order to be able to preserve it. Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day and find the time for regular exercise. Try to eat healthy also on weekdays. Learn some relaxation technique, which can help to chill out for a while if you feel like stress is taking over.
Changing the daily routine
Change your daily routine if needed, and try to find a different approach to your tasks. Focusing on positive things can help a lot as well as searching for motivating challenges in work and also in everyday life. This can give back your enthusiasm and dynamism.
Review work habits
Prioritize and if necessary write down your daily tasks, it makes effective work schedule easier. Don’t procrastinate and don’t over-commit yourself! If possible, delegate tasks and share the work with your colleagues! If you feel like there is too much pressure, take a break if possible! A few minutes can help a lot to refresh a bit during work.
Coping with stress is easier when not alone. Cooperate with your colleagues, discuss the everyday problems! Take care of your relationships with your family and friends and pay attention to their feedbacks. Try not to avoid but solve conflicts. However it is also important to accept if a situation cannot be changed. Try to move on and look forward.
The following infographic illustrates the harmful effects of stress and provides some useful prevention techniques.

Source: http://visual.ly/stress-less
What can we do against workplace stress?
Increasing performance does not equal increasing work hours. Reorganizing work habits and taking short breaks can help a lot in being more effective at work.

Source: http://visual.ly/work-hacks-10-tips-reducing-job-stress-and-improving-efficiency
9 tips to combat work-related stress
Leave the work at the workplace
According to a research, 60% of the employees check their e-mail even the weekends, even though they will not be able to deal with them until Monday. Try to leave the actual problems and tasks at the workplace, making your free time more enjoyable and fill you up with energy.
A 10-minute break makes a miracle
If possible, take regular breaks between different tasks. As little as 10 minutes helps a lot, giving enough time for the body to refresh.
Make friends
Employees having good relationship with their colleagues find going to work much more pleasurable and perform better than those who keep distance from others.
Choose a suitable chair
Especially when everyday work is done sitting in an office, it is important to choose a suitable chair, and, if possible, adjust it to the body height. A comfortable place to sit can increase productivity by an average of 17%, so it is suggested to pay due attention to finding a proper chair.
Positivity above all
Positive attitude does not only help dealing with more difficult tasks, but also has a good effect on the general attitude to work. It helps to avoid unnecessary stress and increases performance. Instead of fretting yourself on issues that ended with a failure in the past, try to concentrate on your success stories.
Go on holidays
If possible, it is advised to use up all the yearly holidays and at least once a year go on a long vacation, leaving all the everyday problems behind.
Appropriate sleep is important
Sleeping enough is one of the keys to maintain good general health. Without it, the body cannot appropriately regenerate, and becomes more vulnerable to diseases and stress. The average necessary sleeping time of an adult person is 7-8 hours a day; however, beyond the amount of sleep, its quality is equally important. A suitable bed, filtering out unwanted noises and the ideal temperature are essential requirements of a restful sleeping.
Keeping an order
Taking care of your work area is more important than you would think. Work can be done much easier on a clean table where only the essential tools are within your eyesight. The fewer things drawing your attention off the tasks, the more efficient and fruitful the job will be.
Listening to music
Researches prove that one of the most effective ways to combat the increasing stress is listening to music. Depending on the type of work, it is suggested to obtain headphones to your workplace and deal with everyday tasks while listening to music.
Source: http://techcocktail.com/9-tips-combating-stress-2011-12#.T8Up5bDKDNU